Monday, September 8, 2014

Blanket Storage

Blanketing is a touchy subject for some. At the Sanctuary, we blanket those that need it. My question for today is to those that do blanket. How and where do you store your blankets when not in use?

I'm not an overly organized person so I'll have to plead guilty in not taking care of my blankets. In years past on the few occasions that I would use a blanket, once I was done, I would stuff them into a Rubbermaid or Sterile tub until the next time I needed it. Then it progressed to simply getting them thrown into the tack room and hope the mice don't devour them completely. In the past year, the blankets lie wherever the nearest building is and stay there, lying there haphazard until the next round of winter storms (meaning they could lie on the ground/concrete for six months without getting touched).

I want to improve my storing method (anything would be better than the current "storing" method). So I'm curious to know how people store there blankets. Do you leave them hanging in your horse trailer, tack room, or in your house? Do you put them in a Rubbermaid tub, tack closet, etc.?

My latest idea is putting blankets into clean steel barrels with removable lids. I have such a large number of blankets for the Sanctuary horses that I need more than a dozen Rubbermaid tubs to store them and there's still the possibility of mice getting in to them, whereas the steel barrel will keep the mice and the moisture out. I'm not sure it's the best solution I've come up with yet, but it's another way to keep the barn organized.

So, how do you store your blankets when not in use? I'm curious to hear, especially during the winter months and during the summer months.

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