Everyone deals with loss differently. The situations that lead up to the loss, the experiences of each person both with the person/animal that was lost, and just the personal experiences in general all make us deal with loss differently.
Running a retirement home for senior equines always puts the idea of loss at the very edge of every thought. We need to live in the moment but there's also the inevitable loss that we will face some day.
Some people display loss outright while others may appear unfazed but display their grief alone. Having said goodbye to more than a dozen horses at the Sanctuary, I'm sure people think that I have a hard heart. I always get asked "How do you do it?". Let me tell you, it's difficult. I am the type that will appear unfazed but in the fading light, loss overcomes me just the same. I want to remember the good and not dwell on the bad.
Some may not agree, but I believe that some day, I will meet all of these people/horses again. At least I can hope for it. So the pain of loss stings the heart but I have to have faith that it's not "goodbye" but rather "I'll see you later".
I guess I bring up the topic of loss for two reasons. This is the first time in almost eight years that I have not had to say "see you later" to any of our senior equines. We did have to say goodbye to a family member and those memories are still fresh. Even a family member we lost almost two years ago brings back painful loss even now. You wouldn't know it by looking at me that I am upset over that loss but I am. The loss is what it is. I shall cherish my memories (and hope that those memories won't fade).
There is no one way to deal with loss. I simply have to remember that we all deal with loss and heartache differently based on our losses and experiences.
As Thanksgiving rolls around, please remember both those that are on this Earth and those that have gone before us. Be thankful for the opportunities that they have given you and the memories that you have. Cherish the good memories and let go of the bad memories.
Queen - Gone but not forgotten |